Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sound the Bells!


As i was doing my daily [b]reads and tagging fellow bloggers and friends via comment page. I came across the line above from River Pisanu of the Bisean. It is indeed quite alarming for me. As a blogger and as writer it has been my primordial goal to extend to my readers a piece of my mind on various issues and concerns plaguing society as whole through my poems, stories, essays, anecdotes etc. etc. etc.

And as much as i dont want to, I am nodding my head to what river said: Blogging has indeed is embracing a new shit! Proliferation of scam bloggers has become more and more noticeable and pseudo writers/bloggers are getting less substantial everyday.

Dont get me wrong, I am all for the freedom of expression but let us all be reminded that with "Freedom comes with great Responsibility."

Thus, I am dedicating a blog for the South East Asian Nation bloggers where we can join hands into taking blogging into a new level. To inspire new budding and emerging bloggers to actually tick their keyboards into actually writing about something that will actually be useful for the society.

It will be temporarily called United SEA [until somebody came up with a better name] so here is the link. Dont expect anything grand yet, it will be a blank space. Let us all start from Scratch.

So if you from the South East Asian Region, Join Us.


Joy-Joy said...

count me in justveryqueerATyahooDOTcom

Steve said...

How exciting that you're starting this group! But, I don't understand what's wrong with social networking? :)

khalel said...

joy, i already sent you an invite. upon approval you can start posting. Thanks. Welcome Sweetie!

khalel said...

Steve, nothing is wrong with social networking. What is wrong is the SHIT!lolz